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10/9/89 “Neuro-opthomology: Implications for Neuropsychology” Craig Smith, MD
11/13/89 “A Perplexing Case: Differential Diagnosis and Disposition-What Can We Really Predict From Neuropsychological Tests?” Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP
12/2/89 Annual Conference: The Interplay of Emotion and Cognition: Neuropsychological Perspectives (Chaired by Jeffrey Powel, PhD).
“The Role of Emotional Factors in Neuropsychological Assessment” Kenneth Adams, PhD ABPP.
“Recovery of Cognition without Improved Emotional Status After Mild head Injury: Neuropsychological and MMPI Changes” Jim Maxwell, PhD, Margaret Waldron, BA, and Robert Maxwell, BA.
“A Murky, Contaminated Measure in Neuropsychological Assessment” Lloyd Cripe, PhD ABPP.
“A Valid Measure of Emotional Adjustment in Neuropsychological Assessment” Carl Dodrill, PhD ABPP.
“The MMPI in Neuropsychological Assessment: Contrasting Views” Moderated discussion by Robert Kurlychek, PhD ABPP, Lloyd Cripe PhD ABPP, and Carl Dodrill, PhD ABPP.
“Brain Injury and Emotion: Clinical Concerns” Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP.
“Reflex Crying” Tedd Judd, PhD ABPP and Cynthia Stoffell, PhD.
“Neurobehavioral and Emotional Factors Measured as a Function of Rate of Lesion Development in Intracranial Neoplasms” Thomas Green, PhD.
“Neurobehavioral Findings Three Weeks Post Pediatric Head Injury: A Matched, Case-control Study”Gayle Fay, PhD, Hillary Shurtleff, PhC, Kenneth Jaffe, MD, Kathleen Martin RN MRN, J’May Rivera, MSW.
“Perceived Positive Emotional Changes Following Brain Injury” Ellen Blau, PhD.
“Chronic Disability After Mild Head Injury: Implications for Interventions” David Fordyce, PhD.
“Evaluating and Managing Psychosocial Deficits in Brain Injury Rehabilitation” Catherine Mateer, PhD ABPP.
“Treatment Issues in the Interplay of Emotion and Cognition” Moderated discussion by Catherine Mateer, PhD ABPP, Ellen Blau, PhD, and David Fordyce, PhD.
1/8/90 “Anger Management for Head Injured Individuals” Jay Uomoto, PhD
2/12/90 “Cognitive and Behavioral Consequences of Face and Forehead Injury” Catherine Mateer, PhD ABPP
3/12/90 “WMS-R Pros and Cons, Is it Useful, Is it an Improvement, What do All Those Scores Mean?” Jeff Powel, PhD with Carl Dodrill PhD ABPP and Catherine Mateer, PhD ABPP
4/9/90 “Predictors of Survival and Severity of Disability Following Severe Brain Injury in Children” Linda Michaud, MD., “Long-Term Sequelae of Pediatric Head Injury” Ellen Lehr, PhD
5/14/90 “Neuroimaging Techniques and Psychopharmacology” Steve Dager, MD
6/11/90 “The Broca’s Scan-A New Bedside Screening Assessment” Vernon Neppe, MD
9/12/88 “Minor Head Injury” Viewing of a videotape produced by the National Head Injury Foundation., “Two Minor Head Injury Case Presentations” Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP and Dave Fordyce, PhD
10/10/88 “The Accuracy of Neuropsychologist’s Clinical Judgements: What Does Faust Say?” Discussion
11/14/88 “Simple Tests of Visual Memory in Elderly Alzheimer’s Patients” Allison Marshall-Rath, PhD
12/3/88 Annual Conference: (Chaired by David Fordyce, PhD): The Neuropsychology of Frontal Lobe Functioning:
“Out Front, Looking Back: A Neuroanatomical, Neuropsychological, and Developmental View of the Frontal Lobes” Donald Stuss, PhD ABPP.
“Further Studies of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test” Carl Dodrill, PhD ABPP.
“Frontal Lobe Functioning and Memory in an Elderly Population” Steven Chiulli, MS, K.Y. Haaland, PhD ABPP, Ronald Yeo, PhD, and Phillip Garry, PhD.
“The Mind Data Problem: Why Executive Functions Elude Test Scores” Lloyd Cripe, PhD ABPP.
“The Impact of a Right Frontal Lesion on the Developing Brain: A Case Study” Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP.
“Assessment Issues in Three Cases of Frontal Lobe Gunshot Injury” Catherine Mateer, PhD ABPP, Brian Baird, PhD, Cynthea Stoffel, PhD, and Jerry Devore, PhD.
“Remediation of Executive Function Impairments” McKay Sohlberg, MS and Catherine Mateer, PhD ABPP.
1/9/89 “The Category Test: How Can We Gain More Information From It?” Lloyd Cripe, PhD ABPP and Carl Dodrill, PhD ABPP.
2/13/89 “Depression and Memory: Are We Asking the Right Questions?” Ellen Blau, PhD with a discussion led by Tim Clark, PhD. Tedd Judd PhD discussed his experience developing neuropsychology in Nicaragua.
3/13/89 “Preparation for the Diplomate in Clinical Neuorpsychology, American Board of Professional Psychology” Ken Zych, PhD ABPP with Lloyd Cripe PhD ABPP and Carl Dodrill, PhD ABPP providing additional information.
4/10/89 “Language Organization in the Brain” George Ojemann, MD.
5/8/89 “Neuroanatomical Correlates of Psychological Dysfunction in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis” Steve Morton, PhD., “Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients Exposed to Neurotoxins” David White, PhD.
6/12/89 “How I Think Through a Case: A Case of Neurotoxicity” Lloyd Cripe, PhD ABPP.
9/14/87 “Assessing Interhemispheric Disconnections” Jim Maxwell, PhD.
10/12/87 “Memory Disorders with Unusual Presentations: Case Reports” Loyd Cripe, PhD ABPP, Tedd Judd, PhD, and Dennis Williams, PhD.
11/21/87 Annual Conference:
“Effects of Early Focal Brain Injury on Hemispheric Reorganization” Paul Satz, PhD ABPP followed by discussion led by Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP.
“Neuropharmacological Management of Memory Disorders” Alvin McLean, PhD.
“A Three Pronged Approach to Memory Rehabilitation” Catherine Mateer, PhD (David Fordyce, PhD served as a discussant for the above).
Presidential Address: “What’s Normal?” Carl Dodrill, PhD ABPP with comment by Tom Green, PhD.
“Neuromechanisms of Emotions” George Wambaugh, MD.
“Organic Affective Disorders” Tim Clark, PhD.
“Dementia Due to Depression” Ed Hill, PhD.
“Affective Reactions to Brain Dysfunction” Tedd Judd, PhD.
“Emotional States and Neuropsychological Test Performances” Brad Powell, PhD (The above introduced by Lloyd Cripe, PhD ABPP).
“The ABPP/ABCN Board Examination in Clinical Neuropsychology: Practical Comments” Paul Satz, PhD ABPP. Closing Comments by Catherine Mateer, PhD.
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1/11/88 “The Neuromechanisms of Emotions” George Wambaugh, MD.
2/8/88 “Neuropsychological Findings in Parkinson Patients and the Concept of Subcortical Dementia” Phil Ballard, MD.
3/14/88 “Professional Issues in Litigation” Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP.
4/11/88 “The Neuropsychology of Violence: Implications for Criminal Investigation” Fred Wise, PhD and Betty McMahon, PhD.
5/9/88 “A Multiple Connections Model of Reading: Neuropsychological Implications” Ginger Berninger, PhD., “An Application of the Multiple Connections Model in an Individual with Acquired Dyslexia” McKay Sohlberg, MS.
6/13/88 “Predicting Academic and Memory Functioning as a Consequence of Age and IQ” Jeff Powel, PhD. There was also a memorial for Robert Stevens led by Bruce Arneklev.
6/12/86 “Memory Assessment and Defects” Catherine Mateer, PhD (meeting conducted by Wendy Marlowe, PhD ABPP).
7/9/86 Forensic Case Presentation by Tom Green, PhD (meeting conducted by Jerry LeJeune, PhD).
9/8/86 “Replication of Normative Data for the Dodrill Version of the HRB Battery on Normals and Brain Damaged Patients” Thatcher Beaty, PhD (meeting conducted by Tom Green, PhD).
10/27/86 Discussion of the article “Persisting Symptoms After Head Injury: A Review of the Postconcussive Syndrome” by Larry Binder published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 1986, vol. 8, 323-346. Discussion led by Tedd Judd, PhD
12/8/86 “Relationship of Age and IQ to Halstead-Reitan Scores” Molly Warner, PhD.
1/12/87 Discussion of Various Approaches to Neuropsychological Assessment, including case presentations and group discussion. Coordinated by Molly Warner, PhD and Lloyd Cripe, PhD ABPP.
2/9/87 “Reflections on the Introduction of Neuropsychology to a Mainland Chinese Setting” Hans Doerr, PhD., “Where There are no Neuropsychologists: Teaching Neuropsychology in Nicaragua” Tedd Judd, PhD.
3/9/87 “Neuropsychological Consequences of Drug Abuse” Albert Carlin, PhD.
4/13/87 “Diagnostic Considerations for the Communication Disorders of Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech, and Dysarthria” Kent Yockey, MS CCC-SLP.
5/11/87 “Executive Functions Routefinding Task: The Neuropsychopathology of Everyday Life” Tom Boyd, PhD.
6/8/87 “Beyond the PASAT-A New Measure of Attention” Mary Weber, PhD., “Trail Making Test Errors” Larry Klusman, PhD.