Past PNNS Slide Presentations

(Arranged Chronologically by Presentation Date– Most Recent on Top)

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[Titles in BLACK are not available]

Evidence-based Assessment and Active Treatment of Concussion: The Central Role of Neuropsychology
Gerard Anthony Gioia, PhD
Director, Safe Concussion Outcome, Recovery and Education (SCORE) Program
Past President, Sports Neuropsychology Society

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) with Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
Kris Peterson, M.D.
Medical Director, Touchstone TMS
Tacoma, WA


Incorporating Gender-affirming Care Into Neuropsychological Practice:
Emily Trittschuh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
University of Washington School of Medicine
VA Northwest Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC) 
VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Complex Persistent Symptoms after COVID:
Rebecca Hendrickson, MD, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
University of Washington School of Medicine
VA Northwest Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC) 
VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Interactions Between Gut Microbiota and the Brain

Emeran Mayer, MD
Depts. of Medicine, Physiology and Psychiatry, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Executive Director of the G. Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience

Conversion (Functional Neurologic) Disorder: Past, Present, and Future
Kyle Boone, PhD, ABPP
Torrance, CA

Core Ethical Issues in Work with Older People
Doug Lane, PhD, ABPP
VA Puget Sound Healthcare System

Neuropsychological Evaluations with the Advanced Clinical Solutions (ACS) Battery

Larry Weiss, PhD
Vice President (Retired) of Global Research & Development
Pearson Clinical Assessment

Cognition and Sleep Disorders
Kimberly Mebust, MD, FAASM, FACNS, FAAN
MultiCare Sleep Medicine
Puyallup, WA

Value-Based Prioritization of Episodic Memory 
Samuel McClure, PhD
Department of Psychology
Arizona State University

COVID and the Brain
William Garmoe, PhD, ABPP
Clinical Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine and Neurology
Georgetown University Medical School
Washington, DC

Lab Values and Cognitive Functioning
Brett Parmenter, PhD, ABPP
Clin Prof, Dept of Psych & Beh Sci                                           
Univ of WA School of Medicine                                                
Private Practice, Tacoma, WA                                        

Kathleen Pagulayan, PhD
Assoc Prof, Dept of Psych & Beh SciUniv of WA School of Medicine
Track Director, Neuropsych Fellowship Prog
VA Hospital, Seattle, WA

Ethics & Equity in Neuropsychology:  Practical and Practice-Based Methods to Increase Both Business Growth and Community Access Among Diverse Populations
Anita Hamilton, PhD, ABPP
Assistant Professor at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) and the University of Southern California (USC), Keck School of Medicine
Private Practice, Seal Beach, CA

Cognition in the Little Brain
Darlene Floden, PhD
Staff Neuropsychologist
Center for Neurological Restoration and the Cerebrovascular Center
Cleveland Clinic


Social Cognition: From Neuroscientific Foundations to Neuropsychological Practice
Miriam Beauchamp, PhD
Canada Research Chair in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal
Researcher, Ste-Justine Hospital Research Center, ABCs Lab
Université de Montréal


Special Ethics Interactive Workshop--Advocating for Neuropsychology in Washington State and Why it Matters
Karen Sanders, PhD, ABPP   &   Erica Brandling-Bennett, PhD, ABPP
Seattle, WA

Longitudinal Research on Two Common Brain-Related Conditions in Children: Findings and Implications
Hudson Gerry Taylor, PhD, ABPP/ABPdN
Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Center for Biobehavioral Health,
Abigail Wexner Research Institute, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

Maximizing Cognitive Health and Memory in Normal Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s Dementia
Michelle Braun, PhD, ABPP
Ascension All Saints Hospital,
Racine, WI

Special Ethics CE Discussion: Safe and Responsible Neuropsychological Practice During an Epidemic and Public Health Emergency
arin A. Marney, JD
Lane Powell
Seattle, WA

Perspectives and the Incidence, Complications, and Pathophysiology of Psychosis in Dementias and in Parkinson's
Jeff Shaw, PhD, ABPP
Senior Medical Science Liaison
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc.

The Clinical Management of Individuals Presenting with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Martha Glisky, Ph.D. ABPP-CN
Clinical Director, Neuropsychology and Cognitive Health
Seattle, WA

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma-Informed Care
Sheri Madigan, PhD
Asst Prof, Dept of Psychology
Univ of Calgary, Canada

Executive Function in Brain Disorders
Elkhonon Goldberg, PhD, ABPP
Clinical Professor, Dept of Neurology
NYU School of Medicine

Current Research in the Understanding of Dementia
Tom Grabowski, MD
Medical Director, Memory & Brain Wellness Center
Director, UW Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Professor, Depts of Radiology and Neurology
Adjunct Prof, Depts of Psychology and Psychiatry & Beh Science
Univ of WA, Seattle, WA

The Neuropsychologist as Policy Advocate
Karen Wills, PhD, ABPP
Childrens Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota
Edina, MN

Contextual Variables When Working with Asian Americans
Daryl Fujii, PhD, ABPP
President, Asian American Neuropsychological Association
VA Pacific Island Health Care Services
Honolulu, HI

Linguistic Issues with African American Youth - Part 1
Linguistic Issues with African American Youth - Part 2
Julie Washington, PhD
Prof & Chair, Dept of Communication & Disorders
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA

Neuropsychological Evaluation of Patients with Hispanic Background
Monica Rivera, PhD, ABPP
President, Hispanic Neuropsychological Society
Prof, Psychology & Latin American Latino Studies Institute
Fordham University, NY
Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine, 
Mt. Sinai, NY

Media Addiction and the Search for Meaning (Slides)
Media Addiction and the Search for Meaning (Article)
Jeffrey E. Hansen, PhD
Child & Adolescent Family Behavioral Health Services
Madigan Army Medical Center
Tacoma, WA

Adults are Presumed Competent:  Charting the Boundaries of Decision-Making Capacity
Paul M. Kaufmann, JD, PhD, ABPP
Private Practice, Forensic Neuropsychology Consultation
San Antonio, TX

Combat-Related Concussion:  Implications for Long Term Clinical and Neuroimaging Outcome
Christine MacDonald, PhD
Assoc Prof, Dept of Neurological Surgery,
Research Director, Sports Institute,
University of WA School of Medicine
Seattle, WA

Why Is Reading Important to Neuropsychologists?
Wendy Marlowe, PhD, ABPP
Private Practice
Seattle, WA

Cannabanoids and the Adolescent Brain
Susan Tapert, PhD
Prof & Assoc Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Dept of Psychiatry
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA

Impact of Diabetes on Brain Structure and Function Across the Life Span
Amir Moheet, MBBS
Asst Professor of Medicine
Div of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN

Chronic Pain and Neurocognitive Functioning
Kelly Cornett, PsyD
Clinical Director, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program
Seattle, WA

Law & Ethics Update 2018:  From Tarasoff to Volk and Beyond
Stephan Feldman, JD, PhD
Faculty, University of Washington School of Medicine
& Private Practice
Seattle, WA

Neuropsychological Evaluation of Psychotic Symptoms in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Stephanie Nelson, PhD, ABPP, ABPDN
The Center for Child Development
Bellevue, WA

Somatoform and Functional Disorders--Conceptual Insights to Support Identification and Management
Elizabeth Ziegler, PhD
Independent Practice,
Spokane, WA

Methods of Inference and Advances in Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment
Pathways to Global Neuropsychology

David Schretlen, PhD, ABPP
Professor of Psychiatry and Radiology,
Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD


Feedback That Sticks: The Art of Communicating Neuropsychology with Patients, Colleagues and the Courts
Karen Postal, PhD, ABPP 
Clin Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA


Depression in Traumatic Brain Injury
Charles Bombardier, PhD
University of WA, 
Dept of Rehab Medicine
Seattle, WA


Brain-Computer and Brain-Music Interfaces: Biofeedback and Rehabilitative Potential
Thomas Deuel, MD, PhD
Center for Teaching Brain Literacy
Olympia, WA

Therapy With Children With Neurodevelopmental Difficulties and Their Families
Audrey Don, PhD
Private Practice

Tacoma, WA


Determining Medication Treatment Response in ADHD:  Does Neuropsychological Impairment Matter?
James B. Hale, Ph.D. MEd, ABPdN
Center for Teaching Brain Literacy
Olympia, WA

Managing the Working Relationship with the Attorney When Conducting Forensic Evaluations  (Outline)
Managing the Working Relationship with the Attorney When Conducting Forensic Evaluations  (Articles)
Michael Filipovic
Federal Public Defender, Western Dist of WA
Seattle, WA

Treatment Resistant Anxiety:  Definition, Risk Factors and Treatment Challenges (Slides)
Treatment Resistant Anxiety:  Definition, Risk Factors and Treatment Challenges (Articles)
Peter Roy-Byrne, MD
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Psychiatry
UW School of Medicine
Seattle, WA

Effective Interventions for Dementia: Lessons From Montessori and Neuroscience
Cameron J. Camp, Ph.D.
Director of Research, Center for Applied Research in Dementia,
Solon, OH

Complexities in the Assessment and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury
Jacobus Donders, PhD, ABPP
Chief Psychologist, Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital,
Grand Rapids, MI

Cross-Cultural Factors that Influence the Interpretation of Neuropsychological Testing Data
Desiree Byrd, PhD, ABPP
Assistant Professor, Neurology & Psychiatry,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
New York, NY

Pituitary Dysfunction Following Blast-related mTBI
Katie Pagulayan, Ph.D
VA Puget Sound- Seattle Division;
Assistant Professor, University of Washington,
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Seattle, WA

Advancements In The Detection of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Emily Trittschuh, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor, Univ of WA;
VA Puget Sound Health Care System,
Seattle, WA

Impact of Cancer and Cancer Related Treatments on Cognition
Monique Cherrier, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine;
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,
University of Washington,
Seattle, WA

Seven Common Flaws and Ethical Considerations in Forensic Neuropsychological Reports
Kyle Brauer Boone, PhD, ABPP-C,
Professor, California School of Forensic Studies,
Alliant International University,
Alhambra, CA

Research In Vascular Contributions to Cognition
Adam Brickman, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology,
The Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain,
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Executive Functioning Research In Children (Part I)
Executive Functioning Research In Children (Part II)

Adele Diamond, PhD, FRSC
Professor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,
Dept. of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Supervision and Mentoring in Clinical Neuropsychology
Bernice A. Marcopulos, PhD, ABPP-CN
Assoc Prof, Dept. of Grad Psychology, James Madison University;
Assoc Prof, Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences,
Univ of Virginia School of Medicine

Common Sleep Problems in Pediatric Neuropsychology: Impact and Assessment
Dean Beebe, PhD, ABPP
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
& University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Cincinnaati, OH

Contemplative Neurobiology and Brain Remodeling
John S. Wendt, M.D.
Federal Way Neurology & Headache Clinic
Federal Way, WA

Clinical Neuropsychology of Emotion: Integrating Theory and Practice
Yana Suchy, PhD, ABPP-CN
Assoc Prof, Univ of Utah

Promoting Healthy Socioemotional Development:  A Neuropsychologically Informed Approach
Erin Tone, PhD
Assoc Prof, Georgia State Univ

Advances in Brain Mapping in Patients Undergoing Neurosurgery
Jeff Ojemann, MD
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle, WA

Assessing Effort in Neuropsychological Evaluations: Can Clinical Referrals Generate Forensic Reports?
Releasing Raw Data and Psychological Test Materials
Paul Kaufmann, JD, PhD, ABPP-CN
Practicing Attorney
Eugene, OR

The Interface Between Normal Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment
Diane Howieson, Ph.D., ABPP
OHSU Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Research Center
Portland, OR

The ‘Fun’damentals and Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology
Robert L. Heilbronner, PhD
Chicago Neuropsychology Group
Chicago, IL

“Seeing the forest for the trees”: Simultaneous interpretation of multiple test scores to reduce misdiagnosis 
Brian L. Brooks, Ph.D., R.Psych
Dir, Ped Neuropsych Postdoc Fellowship Prog, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Adjunct Asst Prof, Depts of Pediatrics & Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Interpreting pediatric neuropsychological data: Curveballs and pitfalls
Jacobus Donders, PhD, ABPP
Chief Psychologist
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
Grand Rapids, MI

Symptom Validity Tests in pediatric neuropsychology: Not just for adults anymore   
Brian L. Brooks, Ph.D., R.Psych
Dir, Ped Neuropsych Postdoc Fellowship Prog, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Adjunct Asst Prof, Depts of Pediatrics & Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Providing effective testimony about pediatric traumatic brain injury
Jacobus Donders, PhD, ABPP
Chief Psychologist
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
Grand Rapids, MI

Ethical Business Practices in Neuropsychology in a Changing Healthcare Market

Mark Barisa, PhD, ABPP

Director of Neuropsychology Services.

Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation.

Dallas, TX


Strategies for Repairing the Injured Brain

Bryan Kolb, PhD

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience

Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience

University of Lethbridge, Canada


Clinical Applications in Neurorehabilitation With Children and Adults:  Building on Principles of Neuroplasticity

Catherine Mateer, PhD, ABPP/CN & Kim Kerns, PhD

Department of Psychology

University of Victoria, Canada

Reading List

I Test Therefore I am: Neuropsychology, Illiteracy, Low Education, and Non-English Speakers

Lidia Artiola, PhD, ABPP

Private Practice in Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychology

Tucson, AZ


Mirror Neurons, Social Cognition, and Autism

Raphe Bernier, PhD

Asst Prof, Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sci,

University of Washington,

Seattle WA


Functional Neuroanatomy: A Dual-Tiered Perspective Part 1

Functional Neuroanatomy: A Dual-Tiered Perspective Part 2

Leonard Koziol, PsyD, ABPN, ABPdN

The Neuroscience Center

Deerfield, IL


Assessing Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders Within a Dual-Tiered Context

Deborah Ely Budding, PhD, ABPN, ABPdN

Manhattan Beach, CA


Improving Employment Outcomes for Adolescents and Adults With Neuro-cognitive-behavioral Deficits

Kurt Johnson, PhD

Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

University of Washington Medical School

Seattle, WA


Profiles of 1,400 Patients Evaluated for FASD at the WA FAS Diagnostic & Prevention Network - Part 1

Profiles of 1,400 Patients Evaluated for FASD at the WA FAS Diagnostic & Prevention Network - Part 2
Susan Astley, PhD

Professor of Epidemiology/Pediatrics, University of Washington,

Director, WA State FAS Diagnostic & Prevention Network

Seattle, WA


Developments in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias

Emily Trittschuh, PhD

VA Puget Sound Healthcare System

Seattle, WA


Normal Variability on Neuropsychological Test Performance

Larry Binder, PhD, ABPP-CN

Private Practice

Portland, OR


Cognitive & Emotional Aspects of Cerebellar Function and Dysfunction - Part 1
Cognitive & Emotional Aspects of Cerebellar Function and Dysfunction - Part 2

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Jeremy Schmahmann, M.D.

Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Boston, MA


The Immature Cerebellum: How Malformations & Lesions Change Movement, Cognition, and Affect - Part 1

The Immature Cerebellum: How Malformations & Lesions Change Movement, Cognition, and Affect - Part 2
Maureen Dennis, PhD, ABPP

Department of Psychology & Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Guardianship-Related Neuropsychological Examinations: A Practical Guide

Stephen Meharg, PhD, ABN

Northwest Psychological Resources, Center for Memory and Learning

Longview, WA


Chronic Pain and Neuropsychology: Update

David Fordyce, PhD

Rehabilitation Institute of Washington

Seattle, WA


A Challenging Look at “Executive Functions” and the Frontal Lobes: Anything New after Thirty Years of Research?

Donald Stuss, PhD, ABPP/ABCN

Director, Rotman Research Center

Professor of Psychology & Medicine (Neurology),

University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Facilitating Development of Self-Regulation/Executive Functions and Associated Sense of Personal Identity in Children and Young Adults 

Mark Ylvisaker, PhD

Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders,

College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York


Update on ADHD in Childhood and Adulthood

James McKeever, PhD

Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center

Seattle, WA


Normal and Pathological Aging

Marnee Milner, PhD, J.D.

Private Practice

Seattle, WA


Screening for the Dementias

Soo Borson, MD

Director, Memory Disorders Clinic

University of Washington Medical School

Seattle, WA


The 2007 Traumatic Brain Injury Act and HB 2055

Laura Dahmer-White, PhD

Member, WA State TBI Advisory Council

Private Practice, Olympia, WA


Questions and Discussion: Effort and Malingering

Carl Dodrill, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurology

University of Washington School of Medicine


Long-term Followup of Pediatric Neuropsychological Cases: Where Are They Now?

Molly Warner, PhD

Seattle Children’s Hospital

Betty Jones, PhD

Private Practice, Bellevue

David Clemmons, PhD

Harborview Medical Center


Traumatic Brain Injury Program, Madigan Army Medical Center

Dennis Kelly, PhD & Fred Flynn, MD

Madigan Army Medical Center

Tacoma, WA


Re-examining the Core Deficits of Autism & Presentation of Practical Interventions

Carrie Sheppard, M.Ed., LMHC

Private Practice – The Mindsource Center

Covington, WA


Ethics in Forensic Neuropsychology: Lessons Learned

Christopher Graver, Ph.D.

Neuropsychology Clinic,

Western State Hospital

Tacoma, WA


Sensory Integration Disorder: To Be Or Not To Be

Steven Glass, M.D.

Pediatric Neurologist

Private Practice, Woodinville, WA


Cerebellar Affective Syndrome: Expanding OurThinking About The Cerebellum

Anita Blair, Psy.D.

Private Practice, Richmond, WA


Suboptimal Effort in Neuropsychological Evaluation

Mary Pepping, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

University of Washington School of Medicine


Effects of Psychological Stress & PTSD Symptoms on Cognition

Larry Knauss, Ph.D.

Department of Psychiatry

Madigan Army Medical Center


Pain & Pain Medications: How They Impact Cognition & Daily Living

Monique Cherrier, Ph.D.

Department f Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

University of Washington School of Medicine


Sleep Deprivation: Cognitive and Behavioral Effects: (Part 1)

Sleep Deprivation: Cognitive and Behavioral Effects: (Part 2)
Gregory Belenky, M.D.

Sleep & Performance Research Center

Washington State University


The Independent and Combined Effects of Estradiol and Cortisol on Cognition for Healthy Postmenopausal Women

Laura Baker, PhD

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine,

Div of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

University of Washington

Seattle, WA


The Impact of Extra-Test Variables on Ecological Validity Research

Naomi Chaytor, PhD

Department of Neurology

Harborview Medical Center

Seattle, WA


Nicotinic Agonists for Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia: A Case Report

Annette Kennedy, PsyD

Seattle Inst of Biomedical & Clinical Research,

Mental Illness Research Educ & Clin Ctr

(MIRECC) & Model Schizophrenia Program,

VA Puget Sound Health Care System,

American Lake Division, Tacoma, WA


Providing Driving Recommendations to Older Adults and Patients with Dementia

Mark Reger, PhD

Department of Psychology

Madigan Army Medical Center


From Genes To Behavior: How electrophysiological studies can provide insight into autism and other disorders

Sara Jane Webb, PhD

Research Asst Prof, Dept of Psychiatry & Beh Sciences, Univ of WA

Director of Psychophysiology Lab, Center on Human Dev & Disabilities, UW Autism Center


A Case of Delirium in an Opiate-Substitution Program: Inhalant Abuse and the Toxic Effects of Nitrous Oxide and Toluene

Charles Meredith, M.D.

PGY-5, Clinical Fellow, Addiction Psychiatry

VA Puget Sound Healthcare System


Vocational Outcomes of State Vocational Rehabilitation Clients with Traumatic Brain Injury: How Important are Neuropsychological Data?

Brick Johnstone, Ph.D., ABPP

Professor and Chair, Department of Health Psychology

University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine


Neurotoxicity or Medically Unexplained Illnesses?
Laurence Binder, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Private Practice, Beaverton OR).


Traumatic Brain Injury in Combat and Assault Contexts
Dennis Kelly, Ph.D.
Neuropsychology Service
Madigan Army Medical Center

What Constitutes Neuropsychological Data, and How are these Data to be Interpreted?

Carl Dodrill, Ph.D, ABPP-CN

Professor Emeritus, University of Washington


Neuropsychological Billing & Managed Care: Practical & Ethical Issues

Mary Pepping, Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Neuro-Rehabilitation Program

University of Washington


Interpersonal Diagnosis & Functioning After Acquired Brain Injury

Jay M. Uomoto, Ph.D.

Director of Clinical Training

Seattle Pacific University


Pediatric Hearing Loss and Neurodevelopment

Susan Sidman, M.Ed.

Mental Health Therapist/

Assessment Specialist for Children with Hearing loss

Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center


Symptom Validity Testing Update & Discussion

Daniel Drane, PhD, ABPP-CN

Asst Professor of Neurology

Dir, Neuropsychology Laboratory

UW Regional Epilepsy Center

Harborview Medical Center


The Role of Psychology in Deep Brain Stimulation and Other Neuro-restorative Surgeries

Jeff Shaw, Psy.D.

Evergreen Health Care


Adolescent and Adult Outcomes in Learning and Attention Disorders: Research Findings and Practical Strategies for Success

Nora Thompson, Ph.D. & Cindy Dupuy, Ph.D.

Private Practice


Neuropsychological Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury In Infancy and Early Childhood

Keith Yeates, Ph.D.

Ohio State University


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders− An Overview

Heather Carmichael Olson, Ph.D.

Families Moving Forward Project

FAS DPN, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

University of Washington 


Fragile X: Lessons from Aging

Randi Hagerman, M.D.

University of California, Davis


Shhh… Can’t you see I am TRYING to get to Sleep: Tales in the Land of Insomnia

Antonietta Russo, Ph.D.

Intermountain Health Care

Salt Lake City, UT


Ecological Validity

Wendy Marlowe, Ph.D., ABPP

Independent Practice


Aspects of Neurogenesis: Lessons from Childhood Cancer and Adult Impact Injury

Ramona Hicks, PhD, PT

Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine

& Stan F. Whitsett, PhD

Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Univ of Washington


Differential Diagnoses of Attention Disorders: Behavioral Manifestations and Confusions

Wendy Marlowe, Ph.D., ABPP

Independent Practice


Lewy Body Dementia

Monique Cherrier, PhD

Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Univ. of Washington

& Univ. of Washington Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

& VA Mental Illness, Research, Education & Clinical Center


Interventions for Adults and Children with Attentional Difficulties

Catherine A. Mateer, PhD, ABPP/CN

Kimberly Kerns, PhD

Department of Psychology, Univ. of Victoria


Neglect and Attention….or, How the Cavemen’s Brain Helped Him Club the Boars! Part !

Neglect and Attention….or, How the Cavemen’s Brain Helped Him Club the Boars! Part 2
Marcio A. Sotero de Menezes, MD

Associate Professor in Neurology & Pediatrics

Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center, Univ. of Washington


Medication Management: ADHD

Samuel H. Zinner, MD

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, Univ. of Washington


Mitochondrial Disease: Can Bioenergetic Disorders be Involved in Psychiatric Disorders?

Russell P. Saneto, DO, PhD

Assistant Professor in Neurology & Pediatrics

Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center, Univ. of Washington


A Review of the Neural Basis of Social and Emotional Function

Audrey Mattson, PhD, ABPP

Neuropsychology Service, Western State Hospital


Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of Anti-Epilepsy Drugs: Old & New

Carl B. Dodrill, PhD, ABPP

Regional Epilepsy Center, Harborview Medical Center

Dept. of Neurology, Univ. of Washington School of Medicine


Prescription Privileges for Psychologists

Steve Sulzbacher, PhD

Univ. of Washington


Treatments for Cognitive Impairment in the Older Adult

William Solan, MD

Karen Sanders, PhD

Northwest Hospital


Frontal Contributions to Memory Encoding Before and After Unilateral Medial Temporal Lobectomy

Jeff Ojemann, MD

Dept. of Neurological Surgery, Univ. of Washington

Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center


Emotional Concomitants of Epilepsy

Daniel L. Drane, PhD

Assistant Professor, Univ. of Washington Regional Epilepsy Center


Gulf War Syndrome

Dennis A. Kelly, PhD

Neuropsychology Service, Madigan Army Medical Center


Competency, Insanity, & Diminished Capacity

Bruce C. Gage, MD

The Washington Institute & The Center for Forensic Services

Western State Hospital


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